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    Abel Blot
    Last updated
    May 22, 2024

    According to SHRM, a survey of 1,516 HR professionals found that the top reasons for turnover include compensation, career development and advancement, flexibility, unsustainable expectations, and uncaring or uninspiring leadership. No matter what the reason may be, the constant need to hire new employees can create some serious implications for businesses. There are always costs, both monetary and time-wise, for hiring and training new employees. 

    In fact, additional SHRM data showed that, on average, it costs almost $4,700 to recruit and hire a new employee. This cost includes various expenses such as sponsored job postings, background checks, and the time and effort put in by HR professionals and hiring managers. These costs are both direct and indirect and can add up quickly for businesses.

    Role of Recruitment Automation in Improving Hiring Quality

    One of the most time and energy-consuming parts of hiring is sourcing and then cycling through all of the potential candidates. With recruitment automation, this process can be sped up greatly. Instead of spending days or even months of time searching for the right hourly workers, it can be easily done within minutes. These digital end-to-end platforms are designed to see the hiring process all the way through. They help HR staff attract and screen candidates, schedule calls, interview candidates, and run background checks. They can also assist with hiring and pre-boarding processes. 86% of hourly candidates use their mobile device to search and apply for jobs, and this helps employers meet them there, all within one easy-to-use and easy-to-manage application. 

    Aside from speed and ease of use for recruitment automation, the built-in tools also ensure that the candidates that you are matched with are a good fit for the company, which is crucial for long-term retention. This helps businesses lower employee turnover which could cause much more stress later on down the line. Recruitment automation lowers the likelihood new hires are to leave soon after joining the team, which minimizes the work of recruiters having to constantly look for new candidates. 

    Automated Matching Systems

    With recruitment automation, complex automated matching systems are used to match candidates with job roles based on skills, experiences, and compatibility with work schedules, leading to higher satisfaction and lower turnover. These matching systems use advanced algorithms to assess candidates based solely on their skills and qualifications, avoiding biases that can creep into manual evaluations. Overall, this creates lower employee turnover.

    These algorithms provide experience matching that conversational AI and chatbots most often are not capable of. This is often an issue with other hiring solutions. While AI may do very well in surface-level interactions, it does not have a strong ability to keep up with the depth and adaptability to navigate the intricacies of hourly hiring. Since all candidate details are kept anonymous, automation also ensures a fair and inclusive hiring process. This also allows for workspaces to more easily meet today's demand for workplace diversity and equal opportunity.

    Schedule Availability Matching

    Recruitment automation software considers all aspects of potential candidates, including their availability. It helps lower employee turnover by matching candidates' available schedules to the business ahead of time, so there are no complications after they are brought on board. For hourly hiring, this is an ideal feature. According to a 2022 Pew Research Center study, four out of 10 said a reason was that they were leaving their job was because they were working too many hours, while three out of 10 said a reason they were leaving their job was because they were working too few hours. Recruitment automation helps take into account the candidates' availability and required hours ahead of time to lower employee turnover later on.

    Hiring managers already have other important things to worry about in their busy schedules. Availability matching is a key tool for hourly hiring scheduling. By aligning candidates' availability with the shifts you need to fill, you can streamline the hiring process and focus on applicants who already meet your scheduling requirements. This approach ensures efficiency and allows you to prioritize the right candidates for the job. By aligning the schedules of candidates and employers before the hiring process is complete, employees have schedules that fit their lifestyles and commitments. This allows those organizations to enhance job satisfaction and reduce the likelihood of resignation due to scheduling conflicts. 

    Streamlining the Onboarding Process

    According to McKinsey & Company, automation and increased immigration, as well as finding a new approach to hiring aside from more traditional ways, is one of the core steps to address the “attrition–attraction problem” long-term. Automated onboarding processes ensure new hires are effectively integrated into the company from day one. This improves their engagement and commitment and reduces early turnover. This software doesn’t just stop at quick conversations. It is also about transforming the entire hourly hiring journey from application to scheduling interviews to onboarding. It surpasses initial interactions by seamlessly integrating automation into every stage of the recruitment process. It is the solution to the challenges of hourly hiring, providing agility, efficiency, and adaptability in an industry where change is constant. 

    Automation's swift and efficient hiring process ensures that staff can be onboarded rapidly. This ensures meeting surges in weekly and seasonal demand are tackled head-on. Seasonal fluctuations will no longer catch organizations off guard. Recruitment automation gives organizations the tools they need to respond to and schedule with candidates quickly, maintaining operational excellence even in peak busy times. 

    Recruitment automation has seamless integrations with various stages of the candidate journey – from attraction to screening, to interview scheduling and onboarding. Its features include automated screening, quick apply, availability matching, in-app interviewing, experience matching, automated scheduling, rapid background checks, secure in-app texting, and more. The use of these processes significantly speeds up the hiring process by skipping the time-consuming manual screening stage, allowing companies to quickly move candidates to interviewing and onboarding.

    Automated onboarding not only streamlines processes but also creates a structured and supportive environment for new employees. When new hires feel welcomed and well-prepared from the start, their job satisfaction and commitment to the company increase. This increased engagement is crucial in reducing early turnover, as employees who feel valued and properly integrated are more likely to stay. By providing a clear, efficient, and engaging onboarding experience, companies can build a stable and committed workforce. This ultimately leads to lower employee turnover.

    Predictive Analytics to Forecast Turnover

    Recruitment automation not only helps hiring managers through the hiring process but it also offers them the data and insights to back up what they are doing every step of the way. For example, predictive analytics can be used within recruitment automation systems to forecast potential employee turnover and allow proactive measures to be taken to retain top talent.

    By analyzing your hiring data, organizations can have a clear idea of the number of candidates they will need at each stage of the hiring pipeline. This helps identify and eliminate potential bottlenecks before they can become an issue and ensures you have the right amount of staff without overspending. Utilizing recruitment automation enables you to monitor key metrics like the success of campaigns, response rates, and the time it takes to convert candidates, empowering you to make any needed adjustments to your recruitment approach. From analyzing salary trends to measuring candidate satisfaction and assessing recruiter effectiveness, having access to valuable insights empowers you to take proactive and well-informed actions. You can also easily track essential Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) like cost per hire, time to fill roles, and offer acceptance rates. This data equips organizations with all of the tools they need to fine-tune their recruitment approach for maximum efficiency and success.

    By leveraging these data-driven insights, you can create a more efficient and effective hiring process, which directly contributes to lower employee turnover. When bottlenecks are eliminated, and recruitment strategies are adjusted based on real-time data, candidates experience a smoother, more responsive hiring process. This leads to a better candidate experience, higher job satisfaction, and stronger commitment from new hires. Additionally, a streamlined recruitment process ensures that only the most suitable candidates are hired, creating a more stable and engaged workforce. Overall, this will lower employee turnover. 


    Recruitment automation can significantly reduce employee turnover by helping organizations streamline the hiring process from start to finish. It helps businesses address the main reasons for turnover and decrease the average cost of turnover. Automated recruitment systems speed up candidate sourcing and screening, saving time and ensuring that candidates fit well with the company. This leads to higher satisfaction and lower employee turnover. 

    Automation also considers candidates' availability to avoid scheduling conflicts, a major factor in turnover. By using predictive analytics, companies can predict potential turnover and take steps to keep their best employees. Automated onboarding processes also improve new hires' experience, increasing job satisfaction and reducing early turnover. By using real-time data and analytics, organizations can continuously improve their recruitment strategies, resulting in better candidate experiences, higher job satisfaction, and a more stable workforce. Ultimately, recruitment automation helps to lower employee turnover, creating a more productive and cohesive work environment.

    For HR professionals looking for a solution to enhance retention strategies in their organization. and business, consider tools like AppyHere. By utilizing AppyHere, organizations can build a more efficient and effective hiring process, creating a more productive and cohesive work environment. Make the switch effortlessly and efficiently with AppyHere. Contact us to start your hiring process transformation today.

    Automate Your Hiring And Cut Costs By Up To 75%

    Don’t miss out – start reaping the benefits of hourly recruitment automation software now. Schedule a live demo and see the power of AppyHere firsthand.

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