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    Martin Mathe
    Last updated
    September 29, 2022

    High volume hiring refers to when an organization recruits and hires anywhere from a few dozen employees to thousands of employees in a short period of time. This approach to hiring is often used for hourly roles and high volume hiring is more common than some might think – according to research from, 73% of large organizations engage in high volume recruiting.

    Recruiting and hiring a large number of candidates can be challenging. Below, we’ve highlighted key challenges organizations face with high volume hiring, particularly as it relates to hourly workers. With the right strategy and technology in place, your company can be set up for success.

    Attracting Qualified Candidates

    The research cited above found that the top challenge talent acquisition teams face with high volume hiring is attracting enough candidates. Not only is it important to focus on candidate quantity, but prioritizing quality is even more critical. In fact the research also found that when asked which high volume hiring metric was the most important, 61% of respondents indicated quality of hire, making it the top overall response.

    If your team attracts a large number of candidates but they don’t have the basic skills, availability or proximity to your business that the role requires, this will not help you reach your high volume hiring goals.

    Many traditional hiring solutions fall short when it comes to driving quality candidates. When partnering with hiring agencies, for example, you don’t have control over the quality of candidates. And job boards often deliver low quality candidates, resulting in only 14.9% of hires. Some job seekers tend to blindly apply to many job postings, even if they aren’t qualified, driving up costs and overall hiring time for employers.

    The solution: AppyHere’s candidate attraction solution enables you to launch multi-channel candidate attraction campaigns to reach hourly job seekers with the skills and qualifications you need across a wide range of channels.

    Unlike job boards, AppyHere’s campaigns are affordable and scalable, allowing each recruiter to recruit more than 50 candidates a week. The campaigns also have geo-targeting capabilities, so you can specifically attract hourly candidates who are geographically able to work for your team.

    Supporting a Positive Candidate Experience

    In today’s competitive hiring market, hourly job seekers won’t hesitate to abandon an application if it’s too time consuming, or drop out of a hiring process if the experience isn’t engaging. Up to 70% of job seekers won’t submit a job application if it takes longer than 15 minutes to complete, and this number is likely even higher for hourly workers.

    Throughout the hiring process, especially when hiring a high volume of hourly workers, it can be challenging for organizations to continuously communicate with candidates and keep them engaged. As a result, 63% of job seekers report being dissatisfied with the level of communication from employers after applying.

    The solution: With AppyHere, hourly candidates can apply to your open roles in less than two minutes by answering a few simple pre-screening questions. The app doesn’t require a resume, helping ensure you don’t miss out on candidates who don’t have resumes, which is the case for many hourly workers.

    Once candidates apply, AppyHere helps you streamline candidate communication every step of the way. Through the app, your team can reach candidates via integrated text messaging, phone calls and video conferencing. Simple and automated interview scheduling is also available for in-person, phone, video, and group interviews, helping you speed up the scheduling process while avoiding phone tag and other possible candidate frustrations.

    See additional ways to keep hourly candidates engaged by reading this piece: Why Hourly Candidates Ghost Recruiters – and How to Avoid It.

    Hiring Quickly

    A traditional hiring process involves many manual steps that slow down the hiring process. Manual steps can include reviewing applications, going back and forth with candidates to schedule interviews, and more. Not only does this lead to a lengthy overall hiring process, but it can also have a negative impact on the candidate experience.

    The solution: AppyHere streamlines many of the manual tasks often involved in high volume and hourly hiring. The app features intelligent hyper-automation to help pre-screen and rank candidates, and automatically schedules qualified candidates for interviews. Background checks can also be completed within 15 minutes, while some other solutions can take several business days.

    With such advanced automation capabilities, your team can extend offers to candidates in as little as 40 minutes after they apply. When hiring a high volume of hourly workers, this time savings has a significant positive impact and can ensure your company is staffed with the hourly talent you need to drive business success.

    Read this blog post to learn more about the importance of a quick and efficient hiring process: Speed is More Important Than Brand: How to Speed Up Your Hourly Hiring.

    Improving the Process Over Time

    Many hiring solutions have limited insight into key success metrics, leaving employers with no way of knowing how to improve the hiring process. According to the study on high volume hiring, less than half (45%) of organizations strongly agree that their high volume hiring strategy is effective. Given this, it’s important to understand what’s working and what’s not to drive hiring efficiencies over time.

    The solution: AppyHere’s candidate attraction solution and hiring platform both provide transparency into the success of your high volume hourly hiring efforts.

    With AppyHere’s candidate attraction campaigns, you have full visibility into the campaign funnel each step of the way, from initial job seeker attraction all the way to making an offer, leading to an average of 70% cost savings on hourly hiring. The hiring app features a dashboard with real-time market analytics and a wealth of data to make more effective hiring decisions, quicker.

    Achieve Your High Volume Hiring Goals with AppyHere

    AppyHere can help you achieve your high volume hiring goals with scalable candidate attraction campaigns and our intuitive hiring solution. With AppyHere, up to 54% of candidates are hired after an interview, compared to an hourly industry average of 18%, which can help you add a significant number of qualified hourly workers to your team quickly.

    We’ve partnered with leading recruiting teams to fill nearly 60,000 roles, with a 90% renewal rate. Learn more about how teaming up with AppyHere can take your high volume hiring to the next level — schedule a demo today.

    Automate Your Hiring And Cut Costs By Up To 75%

    Don’t miss out – start reaping the benefits of hourly recruitment automation software now. Schedule a live demo and see the power of AppyHere firsthand.

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